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The age of video consumption. How to take advantage of video and grow your business?

Video consumption continues to grow more and more all over the world, it is the central element of the actions and commitment of many brands in the market, becoming the form that most involves online digital content, be it on a social network platform or on a youtube channel.
However, social networks tend to be more used – Instagram Stories and Reels, as well as Tik Tok, are the platforms most used by the public because they respond more to fast-consuming content.


Brands must remain active and be present on platforms, as this is where their target audience is, always following the latest trends. Video is the best option to relate to the public, but it is not enough to create, you must create a strategy aligned with your values, or the values ​​of the brand to reach the targets.

These are the 5 reasons to invest in video production for your marketing campaigns:


1. Video is the best way to consume content

Most people opt for the video option to search, learn or consume something new in a faster and more hassle-free way.

2. Content becomes more coherent

Visual, graphic and sound elements make it easier to explain more complex concepts, even in the details of a product that just an explanatory text is not enough. That way it’s easier to retain any information.

3. Memorize and retain customers

Video marketing is a great accomplice in the post-sales phase, in this way you will gain more proximity and trust with your customers.

4. Greater reach of your brand

It will increase the chance of selling more with video marketing, which makes it possible to pass on your brand message until you reach a wider audience.

5. Videos go viral!

Videos create great bonds by capturing the interest of your audience. It makes them want to share that experience with more people and that’s what we want.

These are some of the most important reasons to start investing in videos. It will be your biggest tool to grow your business and your brand gain great emphasis in the market.



Font: https://www.drible.pt/pt/blog/marketing-digital/consumo-de-video-dispara-em-portugal-no-ultimo-ano

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